​North Snohomish County
Snotrac's North Snohomish County Transportation Committee meets on the third Tuesday of every month from 1-2 p.m. Contact Brock Howell at brock@gosnotrac.org for additional meeting information.
This subarea committee focuses on the area that includes Stanwood, Arlington, Darrington, Stillaguamish Tribe, Sauk-Suiattle Tribe, and Tulalip Tribe, as well as Camano Island and connections to Skagit County.
Current Priorities
Developing a suite of improved transportation services for Darrington and the Stillaguamish Valley.
Supporting and monitoring the success of Snow Goose Transit, based in Stanwood.
Past studies and efforts
Darrington Mobility Study (2021)
Stakeholders who regularly attend
City of Arlington
City of Darrington
Community Transit
Stillaguamish Tribe
Sauk-Suiattle Tribe
County commissioner staff
State legislators
Camano Center
Darrington School District
Darrington Library
Homage Senior Services
Hopelink Mobility Services
Lincoln Hill Retirement Community
North Counties Community Collaborative
North Counties Family Services
Stanwood-Camano Resource Center
United Way of Snohomish County