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One Call, One Click

Mobility as a service

For people with disabilities, older adults, and all other people, we can unlock the freedom of mobility by making transportation planning as easy as searching directions on Google Maps and by making paying for a trip as easy as tapping an automated checkout on Amazon.

Unfortunately, we know planning and paying for a trip a door-to-door service like paratransit or a community shuttle isn't that easy today.

That's why there are multiple efforts in Washington State to improve the planning and payment experience for using community transportation services.  These approaches aim to centralize and democratize trip planning and payment by treating "mobility as a service," by creating web-, app-, and call-based platforms called "One Call, One Click" systems.

Hopelink's One-Call/One-Click Project

Hopelink currently maintains a simple"Find A Ride" website that lists all available public transit and specialized transportation options in the region.  Now, Hopelink is working to build a web-, app-, and call-based One-Call/One-Click system for the Central Puget Sound Region.

Hopelink's One-Call/One-Click system will allow for people to request a ride from any service that meets their needs, in one place, without having to call another number or visit another website.  In addition, the service will allow users to sort options based on several preferences and needs; it will allow them to find options that meet their unique needs.  The system will include information on all partnering transportation services in the region, including specialized transportation programs like shuttles, deviated fixed-route services, and volunteer programs.

Hopelink hopes to begin user testing in summer of 2022.  Snotrac is assisting in working with specialized transportation providers in the Snohomish County to provide the necessary information to Hopelink to make the system functional. 

Learn more


WSDOT's West Coast Partnership


CalTrans Content tbd.

UW Project

ITS4US Content TBD

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